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How To Do: How to earn more and work less

How To Do:How to earn more and work less

I have learned over time that the most important resource in life is time. Time is the most important resource, not because time is money, but because time is viata.Â

Timpului management business is the most important resource for the effective time is money.
I made the mistake many times in my business and not work for her. What exactly is this? It means that instead of my time to develop more efficient business, I used my time to execute and deliver the services my business offers. I realized that this is wrong and that my purpose is not to be a craftsman SEO, online marketer, builder, economist, financial, accounting and so on.

Many owners of SMEs or entrepreneurs make this mistake among which include:
• keep the books
• go to the IRS and submit the documents
• go to register and submit trade balance
• be informed about what to do that to even be able to add something in the subject activity or how to change their legal form
• practice their profession in the business
The conclusion is one man show and do not have time for anything. The vision disappears and the growth of the economy depends on current conditions. If their business growth and increase it. If the economic crisis, fail or keep afloat, struggling to do what I know best: to reduce costs and to provide employment, job - selling their time for money.
Staff completely changed my vision and sought to identify resources / scripts that I can time and maximize efficiency gains. That led to five scenarios gain / time guide.

Here's what it is:

Scenario A:
a little time spent
a high gain
Scenario B:
a greater time spent
a small gain
Scenario C:
time spent equals a gain - averages
Scenario D:
a greater time spent
an average gain
Scenario E:
a greater time spent
a high gain

Let's talk a bit about these resources / scenarios. First I want to mention that the work practice of the profession and do not understand visionary and creative activities - that even we can include at some point in time work, when we get on.
Most inteprinzatorilor philosophy is between B and E. You work more earn more (I know that proverb). But sometimes it happens to work more and earn less, or to work and earn so and so just. Hence the limiting beliefs with as much work with the more wealth. Unfortunately things are not like that.

Scenario A

Scenario is the scenario you prefer to specify what is A. in practice this scenario means:

Most important activity in this scenario is delegation. This means that if you're in charge of the company, as her manager, it is time to take your manager. If you know the job is time to hire someone better than you in the job. If you want to deal with changes of a legal nature is time to get your lawyer and so on.
This scenario also assumes a very important: avoid small income resources, environments that require the allocation of equal time or more. Specifically this involves telling customers who ask you,- “NO”, and services that do not fit into the model for low time / high gain.
You can tell me that is crazy, but it is not. When you say "NO", you have more time to have vision, to create and look for clients / resources income falling in Zone A.
This scenario also allows you to face the crisis and not go with the tide where everyone goes. Indeed there are some economic conditionings at some point you will require to change course (as with a typewriter and computer). But this should not stop you because you are a visionary and for adopting scenario A oule you put in more baskets. You have the ability to develop several companies in various fields.
When you exceed these thresholds, you'll be able to hire people to be creative and visionary for you and the vision to take action by your managers. You just routed through delegation orchestra created.
Indeed scenario can not reach it first if you start from zero (money, time and relationships). May have to go through different scenarios at first, but if you want to have more time and prosperity must adopt this view. You can make money just delegating.
Many times when I had problems I went to the gym and when I get back I had the solution. I once read as a leader you have problems, they chose the work necessary to solve the problem: for example, said: "This is a golf problem."
Of course, this scenario is not for everyone. Some will be living musicians, physicists, builders, brokers, accountants, bloggers and so on. This scenario is for those who like business and seek financial independence.

In conclusion

Success in life is complex. Not just to succeed in business but your skill you success in all areas and aspects of your life. And the first step is not to say that but do not have time to start doing your time. And when you make a decision and adopt less time spent scenario, win big, you have won a thousand treasures.

Accuracy does not mean less time spent you're lying in bed all day and look at the series. Is to use time effectively, to have a variety of activities to get better, not a lazy summer lost.

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