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On-page Seo step by step!

On-page Seo step by step!

What are the main elements that mark the main text?

1. <h1> Tag is very important in terms of SEO. The document format must use this type of tag for easy search engine to recognize the title or the most important words that referred to in text. Is indicated (as most experts say the industry) and natural to use a tag </ h1> on the page, for the most important title. If you use more and may diminish the effect it has.
2. Tags <h2>, <h3> ... is advisable to use them to differentiate the most important explanatory text. The more, the better, though not to overstate their use. Natural structure as the document to be read by the user using these tags, and Google will be happy.
3. Highlights the most important words of the text by using tags <b>, <i> or <em>. Google will know that they are the most important paragraph and will better position compared to the rest of the text search on the page.
• Title page. It's html tag: <title> Untitled Document </ title> It reflects how the result will be displayed in a Google search. This is the expression that possible visitor will click to access your page. The title should summarize the contents of as few words to be read by visitors. From SEO point of view it is likely (no one really knows, but experts say it) the most important characteristic of on-page optimization. Only with good titles and good internal structure of links you can place a site on the first page of results small volume search words.
• Tags for formatting text:
• Use descriptions for images. Use the attribute alt = "" to specify alternate text for an image. You can use the attribute title = "" images to give evidence, even if it's one of the least important features.
• Do not use images for menu navigation menu on the site. Google will not know what is discussed there. If you have no choice, place a menu in the footer text.
• Use a good structure of internal links. When talking about a subject that is in your site, a detailed description do not hesitate to insert a link with anchor and proper title to that section. Doing as many references, and related words, Google have more information upon which to understand the meaning of the text.
• If the article is trying to avoid an excessive paging through the words "Page 2", "Page 3". Instead subject inserts the text link on that page. For example: Find out more information about "on-page SEO" or continue in the "worth to Join the site directory?"

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